Insight CoachPro

Everything You Need for Coaching, All In One Place

Insight CoachPro was developed by an endurance coach, for endurance coaches, to help manage your coaching workload, plan your athletes’ training, and keep track of everything you need at your fingertips to be a better coach.

Because if you’re an endurance coach, there is a lot to keep track of: everything from who needs training posted, to which athletes are racing this weekend, to what days an athlete likes to swim, to details like an athlete’s partner’s name and they app they use for indoor cycling.

With Insight CoachPro, you will gain: A better snapshot of your current and future weeks’ workload, better tools to plan training, better visibility over your athletes’ training and racing history, and better access to your athlete’s profile, thresholds, and training zones.


Better Visibility - Better Insight - Better Coaching