Managing Athlete Races & Results


Hello and welcome to Insight CoachPro. Let’s look at an athlete’s Upcoming Races and Race Results.

Here we have Beth’s race calendar, we have her Upcoming Races here in the Athlete Hero Bar, and we have her Race Results below in the Athlete Content Area. We can manage both of these areas independently.

We can add additional races for Beth, say she’s doing the California International Marathon in a couple months. When we choose the sport, the race distances will automatically update, and there’s always an “Other” option if there’s a distance race that’s not included in the list.

We can also add some race results for Beth’s completed races. We click the edit button here, and simply add some times for her. The total time will auto-update as we enter her splits. And then once all the splits are added, then her split paces are automatically calculated by the program.

And with that, you’re ready to manage your athlete’s race calendars.

Updated on October 22, 2024