Hello, and welcome to Insight CoachPro. Let’s talk about how you navigate all the different views within the app.
We have a wide variety of ways that you can access different views within the app. The first is the Nav Bar up above. The Nav Bar can get you to every view within the app, both the Roster Views and the Athlete Views, and also gives you links to your Profile and your account to manage that, as well as all the different support that we offer.
From the Central Dashboard and other Roster Views, you can navigate in a couple different ways. Any of the lists will offer links to specific views, such as the Training Plan view or the Races and Results view. You can also use the Athlete View Select box to go directly to a specific view for a specific athlete. To navigate within the Roster Views, we have the Roster View quick links above for the Central Dashboard, Roster Race Results, and your Complete Roster.
If we go to the Athlete Views, we have a way to mix and match the Athlete Hero Bar and the Athlete Content. This set of blue quick links will change the Athlete Hero Bar views. You can look at Workout Settings, Weekly Schedule, Upcoming Races, Training Zones, and Athlete Info. Below in the Content area, you can navigate from the Season Road Map, to the Training Plan, to Race Results, to Thresholds & Zones, and finally to the To Do & Notes section.
As I said, we have a wide variety of ways to access everything you need within the app. Use the one that works best for you.