Workout Settings is one of five Athlete Hero Bar views. You can view the Workout Settings using the quick link in the Athlete Title Bar.
Workout Settings dictate which columns are included in the athlete’s Season Road Map and Training Plan. Changing the Workout Settings will affect the information displayed in the Season Road Map and Training Plan tables but will not delete any prior training data. Additionally, changing the Workout Settings will affect only the information displayed for the current athlete; Workout Settings are unique to each individual athlete.
To update an athlete’s Workout Settings, click the icon on the right side of the Workout Settings view or the “ Workouts” shortcut on the right side of the Athlete Hero Bar. This will open the edit Workout Settings window. Update values to reflect the number of weekly workouts for each workout type, then click “Update Workouts” to save the new settings.
The Swim Pace will appear only if the number of Foundation Swims is greater than zero. Swim Pace is used to calculate durations for swim workouts, which are specified in yards / meters. Durations for swim workouts are used for calculating volumes for the Training Plan and Season Road Map views which incorporate volumes.